
(Non-)Multiplicativity of the expected value

Accelerated gradient descent

Alternating direction method of multipliers (ADMM)

approachable set

Approximation filters

ARM assembly

Banach fixed-point theorem

Basic power method convergence

Baye’s rule

Bernstein Inequality

Bilinear interpolation

Blackwell's approachability theorem

Block power method

Box-Muller transform

Braess paradox

Brouwer fixed-point theorem

Camera absorption function

Cantor's theorem

Cayley-Hamilton Theorem

Center-of-gravity method

Central Limit Theorem

Chebyshev’s Inequality

Chernoff Bound

chosen ciphertext attack security

Color Image Specification

Compound lottery

Concentration of Chi-Squared random variables

Constrained convex optimization

Constrained first order optimization

Continuous optimization

Continuous time state equations

Contraction property of convex projection

Controllable system

Convergence to stationary point

Convex function

Convex optimization

Convex relaxation

Convex set

correlated equilibrium

Cosine similarity

Count-Min Sketch

Courant-Fischer min-max principle


Decomposition in Vector Space

Delta function

Dimension dependent convex optimization

Directional derivative

Discrete step function

Discrete time state equations

Distributional Johnson-Lindenstrauss Lemma

dove-hawk game

Duality between controllability and observability

Eigenvalue and eigenvector

Ellipsoid method

Encryption scheme

Entropy of a random variable

Epigraph and hypograph of functions


Euler's identity

evolutionarily stable strategy


Extensive form game

Faddeev-Leverrier algorithm

Finite two-person zero-sum game

Flajolet-Martin algorithm

Follow-the-leader algorithm

Fourier Transform

Game of pure competition

Gamma correction

Gapless power method convergence

Gaussian concentration

Gaussian pyramid

Gaussian tail bound

Goldman-Tucker theorem

Gradient descent convergence bound

Gradient descent convergence for α-strongly convex functions

Gradient descent convergence for β-smooth functions

Gradient descent for β-smooth, α-strongly convex

Gradient descent


Grayscale Image specification

Grünbaum's theorem

Hahn-Banach theorem

Heaviside step function

Hessian matrix

Histogram Equalization


Hoeffding Inequality

Hölder's inequality


Indifference relation

Indyk and Motwani (1998)

Interior point method

Jaccard similarity

Jensen’s inequality

Johnson-Lindenstrauss Lemma (1984)

k-means clustering

Kakutani fixed-point theorem

Kalman decomposition

Karush-Kuhn-Tucker (KKT) conditions

Kronecker delta

Krylov subspace method

Kuhn’s theorem

Lagrange dual problem

Lagrange interpolation

Lagrange multiplier

Lanczos method

Laplace transform

Laplacian pyramid

Least squares regression

Leverrier's algorithm

Linear programming

Linear subspace

Linear utility function

Linearity of expectation

Lipschitz function

Locality sensitive hash function

Lottery (probability)

Low-rank approximation

Lower hemicontinuity

Machine learning model

Markov’s Inequality

Matrix concentration inequality

Matrix diagonalization

Matrix exponential

Matrix game

Maximum A Posteriori (MAP) Estimation

Measure of central tendency

Method of trial functions

Miller-Rabin randomized primality test (1976, 1980)

MinHash (Broder, 1997)

minimax theorem

mixed extension

mixed security strategy

mixed strategy

Mutual independence

Nash equilibrium

Non-cooperative game

noncooperative (Nash) equilibrium solution

Nonlinear Stretching

normal-form game

Observable system

One-time pad

Online gradient descent regret bound

Online gradient descent

Online regret bound

Oracle machine

Orthogonal matrix

Orthonormal basis vectors

Orthonormal basis

Pairwise independence

Perfect indistinguishability

Perfect secrecy

Perfectly indistinguishable

Point-Wise Transformation

Positive semidefinite

Power method

Preference relation


Prime Number Theorem

Projected gradient descent convergence bound

Projected gradient descent

Projection from 3-D to 2-D camera plane

Projection oracle

pure strategy

Rabin Fingerprint (1981)

Rademacher concentration

Randomized linear regression

Rayleigh quotient

Regret bound

Rolle's theorem

Rotational Invariance of Gaussian distribution

saddle-point equilibrium (game theory)

Scalar property of variance and expectation

Schauder fixed point theorem

security strategy

Separable signals

Separation oracle

Shamir's secret sharing scheme

Shannon theorem of perfect secrecy

Sifting property


Singular value decomposition

Singularity functions

Slater condition

Soft thresholding

Spectral decomposition

Stability of Gaussian random variables

Stackelberg game

State equation of finite dimensional linear systems

State space representation

Stationary point

Stochastic gradient descent convergence

Stochastic gradient descent


Strict preference relation

Subspace embedding from Johnson-Lindenstrauss

Supervised learning

Theorem (Karmarkar, 1984)

Theorem (Khachiyan, 1979)

Theorem, composition of monotonically strictly increasing function with utility funchtml"

Theorem, perfect security and indistinguishability

Theorem, security levels of matrix game players

Total variation (TV) regularization


Transition matrix

Tristimulus values

Two player zero-sum game

Uniformly Random Hash Function

Union Bound

Universal hash function

Upper hemicontinuity

Upper semi-continuous function

Upper semicontinuous function

Utility function


von Neumann-Morgenstern utility theorem

Weierstrass extreme value theorem

Zero-sum game

α-strongly convex and β-smooth

α-strongly convex
